Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Types of Crunches
 Weight Loss Strategies : There are a number of crunches that you can always employ if you are looking forward to reducing your body fat, weight and staying healthy and fit. Abs is a term used to mean techniques of working out how to exercise your abdomen or belly so that you can eventually attain the right fitness and health levels. Now let’s have a look at the various abs crunches you can always employ as far as the need to attain the right body weight and fitness is concerned. There is the bicycle crunch and the twist crunch. These two types of crunches are very important as far as attaining the right abs is concerned.
The bicycle crunch
This is a work out that people have been mistaking it with a work out that is aimed at rectus abdominis. This is basically because the mid-section where the rectum lies within the body is the center in which the whole work out lies in. It however, works well as far as the need to attain the upper bas is concerned. How can you do this crunch on your own?
Here is how it goes. First lie flat with your back on a soft floor; with your hands behind your head. The hands behind your head will incline your head in such a way that you can view your knees directly. You need to lift your knees off the ground so that the thighs can be perpendicular to the abdomen. Start by trying to touch the right knee using your elbow without removing your hands from the back of the head. In that case, the knees will be the ones to move towards the stationary elbow. Release the knees as soon as the meet the elbow and repeat it with the left knee.
​​​​​​​Twist crunch
With twist crunch, you need to lie down flat as this is the first step in all the abs crunches. Secondly, put your hands behind you head and lift your head using the hands. Thirdly, lift your knees to make a perpendicular angle with your abdomen. When you are this position, lift your head as though you want to hit the knees with your head. As soon as you head touches the head, release it towards the ground but not directly. Your thorax should be twisted in such a ways that you will be approach the ground from the side. This will help you twist you abdominal muscles hence achieving the twist crunch.

For More Relevant Information : Lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks

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